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Showing 10 of 87 results for "beps"
US - Tax Pillar 2
Outlining challenges of Pillar 2 compliance for multinationals

Pillar 2 has been ratified by the governments of more than 100 countries, so U.S. multinationals are likely to deal with its effects in many places.

Less than a minute |
Taxing issues

Across the globe, companies’ tax affairs are facing increasing scrutiny from regulators, communities and clients. Read our latest insights ranging from BEPS to VAT.

Tax and ESG
Transparency and tax governance in the ESG era

By being aware of the increasing number of governance rules, you can put your business in a strong position to demonstrate your overarching ESG strategy.

Tax and ESG
Promoting ESG excellence through tax

ESG considerations have never been more important for an organisation’s long-term success, but how can tax be used to add value to an ESG agenda?

Global transfer pricing guide
Transfer pricing - Thailand

An overview of transfer pricing rules in Thailand and who to contact for expert guidance.

Global transfer pricing guide
Transfer pricing - Slovakia

An overview of transfer pricing rules in Slovakia and who to contact for expert guidance.

Global transfer pricing guide
Transfer pricing - Luxembourg

An overview of transfer pricing rules in Luxembourg and who to contact for expert guidance.

Global transfer pricing guide
Transfer pricing - Egypt

An overview of transfer pricing rules in Egypt and who to contact for expert guidance.

Global transfer pricing guide
Transfer pricing - Australia

An overview of transfer pricing rules in Australia and who to contact for expert guidance.

What the OECD implementation package means for you

Guidance on safe harbours and penalty relief; Public consultation document on the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) information return; and Public consultation document on tax certainty for the GloBE Rules, released as part of the OECD long-anticipated implementation package for Pillar 2.

10 min read |