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Xavier Lecaille
Global leader - business process solutions

Xavier Lecaille


Xavier Lecaille has been a partner of Grant Thornton France since 1997 and is the global leader for business process solutions. He is located in Paris and brings 25 years of experience to the role.

After 10 years in audit, Xavier developed the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) practice in France over the last 15 years. He is head of BPO for Grant Thornton France, a business line which represented €19 million of domestic annual fees in 2017, with 400 people located in six delivery centres in France and two more offshore.

Xavier gained strong experience in the hotel industry and he is a member of the global travel, tourism and leisure (TTL) team. As a key account leader for high profile hotels client, Xavier has also been the lead relationship partner on several large assignments across the TTL, broadcasting and telecomm, and retail sectors.

Xavier's role helps clients focus on their growth aspirations using a range of solutions:

  • BPO & Shared Service Centre (SSC) practice, leading on delivery centres or transformation projects for internal SSCs
  • Global compliance partnering, working on large and complex projects with multiple subsidiaries across multiple countries
  • Back office outsourcing, working closely across service lines on projects involving data analytics, robotics, common tools and software.
  • Audencia Business School (1987)
  • Chartered Accountant (1994)
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Xavier Lecaille
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Xavier Lecaille
Global leader - business process solutions
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