Key updates on the global implementation of Pillar 2
Tax Key updates on the global implementation of Pillar 2
We round-up the progress on implementation in a selection of leading economies worldwide. We also look at the impact on businesses, likely go live timings and what could potentially delay or derail the process.
21 min read |
What the OECD implementation package means for you
Tax What the OECD implementation package means for you
Guidance on safe harbours and penalty relief; Public consultation document on the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) information return; and Public consultation document on tax certainty for the GloBE Rules, released as part of the OECD long-anticipated implementation package for Pillar 2.
10 min read |
Why businesses need to act now on OECD Pillar 2
Tax Why businesses need to act now on OECD Pillar 2
Given the need to find out how much the tax bill could rise under Pillar 2 and with the compliance demands likely to put systems under severe strain, the case for getting preparations underway is compelling.
7 min read |
Pillar 2 should be at the forefront of strategic plans
Tax Pillar 2 should be at the forefront of strategic plans
So why is Pillar 2 so strategically critical and how can businesses turn a potential challenge into a source of competitive advantage?
5 min read |
Gearing up for Pillar 2: Five actions businesses can take now
Tax Gearing up for Pillar 2: Five actions businesses can take now
Five actions businesses can take now to ease the path to implementation, avoid needless upheaval and strengthen competitiveness ahead.
1 min read |
Outlining challenges of Pillar 2 compliance for multinationals
US - Tax Pillar 2 Outlining challenges of Pillar 2 compliance for multinationals
Pillar 2 has been ratified by the governments of more than 100 countries, so U.S. multinationals are likely to deal with its effects in many places.
Less than a minute |