Our media expertise

The media industry is in the grip of a technological revolution where distribution models, commissioning procedures and revenue streams are all evolving as the industry responds to the shift to digital and personalisation. This has resulted in a flood of new channels, platforms and experiences, all of which have to be constantly fed with compelling, quality content. If they are not, audiences move on.

There has also been an increase in mergers and acquisitions, as big companies expand and new spin-offs spring from established businesses. In some regions it’s vertical, while in others it resembles an ecosystem.

Forward-thinking companies, prepared to revise their strategies, operations, products and services, can turn the challenges into real opportunities.

We’ve worked with players across the breadth of the industry, from film animators to studio infrastructure providers and games distributors to music broadcasters. We've supported businesses from start-up to IPO, through domestic mergers and international acquisitions.

Grant Thornton media experts can work with you on:

  • cross-border film and TV
  • accessing bridge and gap funding
  • corporate finance and specialised media M&A work
  • strategic advisory and business consulting
  • local and international tax advice
  • outsourcing, production accounting and payroll.

To learn more about our media services contact your local member firm.